In the Press

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“I make romantic dreams come true”

…It could be a scene straight from a Hollywood movie but this romantic script was penned by Tiffany Wright, the UK’s only so-called romance planner.

Meet the woman helping London’s richest bachelors

Meet the “romance planner” who arranges the lavish love-lives of London’s Elite….

Romance expert gives 6 signs a marriage is doomed

Tiffany Wright has revealed that often the signs that a partnership is doomed to fail can already be spotted on the big day. 

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London Agency is the first to help men pop the question

Tiffany Wright has set up the country’s first “proposals agency”, helping men to pop the question in a way more likely to guarantee the right answer.

The life of a Professional Bridesmaid

For many women, weddings mean stress. How do you seat family members that don't get on with one another?

The rise of the Professional Bridesmaid

Tiffany Wright, 34, has created a profitable sideline career with her company The Undercover Bridesmaid…..

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The Undercover Matchmaker

Tiffany Wright goes on your date with you to help you pull….